Committed to providing high quality, efficient and cost effective Case Management services
Committed to providing high quality, efficient and cost effective Case Management services
Committed to providing high quality, efficient and cost effective Case Management services
We specialise in comprehensive immediate needs assessment and provision of specialist case management services for adults and children with catastrophic and complex injuries.
Our case managers have a wide range of experience of working with adults and children who have suffered spinal injury, acquired brain injuries, complex orthopaedic injuries and birth related injuries such as cerebral palsy.
We coordinate and facilitate a client’s rehabilitation through working closely with the client, their family and all parties involved including their treating healthcare professionals, employers, insurance companies, solicitors, Social Services and NHS / PCTs.
We are based in Oxfordshire and we provide services throughout the UK.
For further assistance or to request a brochure please contact us on 01491 613 983 or email.