“Our Case Managers are Registered Nurses and Occupational Therapists with a wide range of experience in working with clients with complex conditions and disabilities.”
At Complete Care Plus, Case Management services are provided by highly skilled Case Managers with extensive experience of setting up complex care packages and rehabilitation packages in the community. We can provide care team recruitment, supervision and employment support.
We specialise in case management services of adults and children with complex and catastrophic injuries including spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, Cerebral Palsy complex orthopaedic injuries and amputation.
Our team of Case Managers provide specialist advice and assistance with the purchasing of equipment, suitable accommodation and transport needs for individual clients.
We provide support and assistance for clients and their families with care management and coordination through liaison with multidisciplinary teams. We liaise with Social Services, PCTs, NHS and negotiating and securing care funding for our clients.
Our Case Managers will arrange, monitor and co-ordinate the client’s care support services, equipment and rehabilitation programmes working in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams including Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy etc.
We provide case management services throughout the UK.